Monday, May 11, 2020

Evaluation Of A Project Management Essay - 1388 Words

In project management, there are many different to methods to handle how the project should be completed, how an ethical situation should be handled, what types of decisions should be made, how much knowledge the project management should possess, their focus of completing the job on budget and on schedule and understand the scope, as well as knowing how to communicate. When I completed OGL 320: Foundations of Project Management, I understood the hard work the project management had to endure to complete a project. They are the individuals who are responsible, knowledgeable, and are great communicators with a mindset of completing a quality project. I feel that I have gained more knowledge and grew taking OGL 321: Project Leadership, this Fall of 2016. In completing the simulations, sharing our experiences regarding the simulations to the module papers that are completed at the end of each modules has acquired me to gain knowledge. Each module discussion papers were relevant to the project manages, and were the main important points to complete a project with success. In addition, this class assisted me providing more consideration in areas such as principles, practices, and leadership. Project management requires a solid management plan focusing on scope and scheduling risks, communication, good decision making, how to deal with uncertainties, ethics, and to utilize the situational leadership style. I feel that it is required to adapt and understand the type ofShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Project Management1897 Words   |  8 PagesOversight in Project Management Donald L. Thornton Jr. INF410: Project Management Instructor: Dr. Kevin Kuznia 02/13/2017 Although it may be temporary, a project is an exclusive endeavor initiated with a defined start and finish point and a set number of tasks that need to be completed to reach a possible set or unset finishing date. In project management, we carry out a group of tasks with a defined set of skills, capabilities, and philosophy acquired over a set period, whileRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project On Project Management847 Words   |  4 Pagescollection of strategic methods that focus on how to plan, perform and complete certain projects. It has a conductive approach which depends on the conditions of different projects(Marchewka, 2003). Role of the Methodologies in Project Management: It suggests variations, tools and techniques, analyzation to accomplish the projects(Marchewka, 2003). It designs a plan to fulfill the project and product life cycles(Marchewka, 2003). Methodologies enable the sponsors, team membersRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project Management1202 Words   |  5 PagesProject Management For this Running Case, we are Checking and controlling procedures measure progress toward the task goals, screen deviation from the arrangement, and make a restorative move to match pace with the agreement. 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Risk is an integral part of every project and every project manager should assess risks throughout the phase of the project and develop plans on how to tackle themRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project Management Audit Essay950 Words   |  4 PagesWhat should be done to ensure appropriate closure of this project and why? There will be several areas of â€Å"clean-up† to address before announcing the project success and closure. First, before the closure of the project, it is better conduct an interim project audit to analysis the result. A project management audit is an examination designed to determine the true status of work performed on a project and its conformance with the project statement of work, including schedule and budget constraintsRead MoreCritical Evaluation Of A Project Management1306 Words   |  6 PagesIn project management, there are different methods to get it completed with success. Some projects failed due to poor planning or poor decision making by the project manager. However, according to Harold Kerzner, â€Å"Today, excellent companies realize that project failures have more to do with behavioral shortcomings – poor employee morale, negative human relations, low productivity, and lack of commitment.† (377). Today, project managers are to focus on situational leadership, which is known to beRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project Management ( Apm ) Essay1600 Words   |  7 PagesA project is a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business product in accordance to an agreed business case (PRINCE2 2005). However, this definition doesn’t seem to elaborate on all the principles and numerous factors, which define a project as compared to Association for Project Management (APM). APM defines a project as an endeavor in which, human materials and financial resources are organized in a novel. 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