Monday, February 17, 2020

Read the powerpoint, then answer the question Assignment

Read the powerpoint, then answer the question - Assignment Example Due to this perception, negotiators do not prepare hard to gain a larger reward or benefit. 8. Various problems can occur while determining the target, including cultural problems which may result as a negotiators failure to identify the background of the target negotiators, failure of the negotiator to respect the other party’s interest and recognizing their BATNA (Thompson 17). 9. Target point is the actual party with which negotiations are taking place and reservation point is the reserved party who negotiators might approach as a result of negotiations with the target point. Both points should not be confused as target point has better benefits to offer. 10. Different issues in a negotiation should be treated separately as managing single issue is much easier than managing the whole. Secondly, there may be issues on which the negotiator might have to compromise and in certain issues; the negotiator might be able to win completely. 11. It is essential to perform a self, situation and counterparty assessment in order to identify one’s own and counter party’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the environment in which negotiations are taking place. These strengths and weaknesses will help a negotiator take advantage of the counterparty and change their techniques with the environment. Several questions pertaining to the situation need to be asked including, the importance, form, time as well as cost and benefits of the negotiation. 12. Pressure of limited time may not allow the negotiator to be well prepared and plan properly before negotiations. Time related costs at times may be too high for both the negotiation parties. Due to this one party may be in a hurry and other party can take advantage. 13. Bargaining zone is the situation or the bargaining area where both the buyer’s and seller’s range overlap each other. Positive bargaining zone can result in a win-win situation for both, while negative bargaining zone can result

Monday, February 3, 2020

Marcet Conversations in Political Economy Essay

Marcet Conversations in Political Economy - Essay Example The format that this paper will utilize is to first give a precise definition of what is identified above followed by a brief discussion of what the government might try to do in order to solve said problem including a personal evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed policy measures. Thirdly this paper will discuss some alternative means by which this problem might be solved with a particular emphasis on informal social arrangements drawing on some real life examples of said arrangement. The above passage illustrates some fundamental issues of economics and political science. In one respect one could refer to this issue is illustrating the importance of scarcity in its regard to the laws of supply and demand, secondly there is the issue of ownership insofar as it may be the case that who would protect what is free and available to everybody. As one can boil down the entire issue it is arguably the case from an anthropological and sociological perspective that without the feeling of ownership people are not often compelled to take care of any particular resource. A great case is presented by Diamond (2005) in which it is postulated that the Greenland Norse faced their collapse as a result of over grazing of pastureland, a reluctance to trade with their neighbors and a reluctance to adapt in the wake of a potential societal collapse. What this illustrates is that when resources are relatively free for the taking the wake of poor crop yields it is invariably in the hum an spirit to over consume other resources which could theoretically bring with it the risks of a total collapse in society. When one examines the case as illustrated above one could draw the conclusion that if everything were free people would not take a sense of ownership and as such there would be a case of over consumption. From an economics standpoint one could bring